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YMCA English Christmas 2021

Hello, everyone! とちぎYMCAイングリッシュでは、宇都宮と那須において英語でクリスマス会を行いました。沢山の生徒の皆さんにご参加を頂き誠にありがとうございました。那須では当日雪が降り"White Christmas"となり、お越し頂くのも大変な方もおられたかと思います。保護者の皆さまにもご協力を頂き誠にありがとうございました。

Tochigi YMCA English had a special Christmas event on December 11th at Utsunomiya YMCA, and we had it on December 18th at Nasu YMCA, as well!  Thank you very much for participating our special events! We had so much fun having many students participated in it for these two days.

YMCA English teachers introduced many fun activities such as Christmas tree decorating race, flipping cards game, singing Christmas songs, learning words of Christmas and making elf craft. At the end of the program, a YMCA Santa Claus visited us and gave Christmas presents for the students.


This weekend, on the night of Christmas Eve, Santa Claus will visit each child’s house to deliver special presents. We hope all the children have a warm and happy Christmas with their friends and families. May your Christmas be blessed with love, and may this holiday be full of light and laughter for you!